Tuesday, August 26, 2008


an incredibly good book is hard to beat out. i've always enjoyed reading, getting into a story. perhaps this is a reason i've aspired to be an author...when i was younger :)

it's hard to get the same effect in a movie, regardless of how accurate it is and how hard the producers try. why? because a book's biggest allure is in using your imagination to create the images you read from the pages. and who doesn't like letting her imagination run wild?

i tend to be a bit, uhh, "nerdy" when it comes to books. and sometimes, i get a little too obsessed with them. take harry potter, for example. i became one with that book. i felt all the emotions the characters felt, my heart pounded as my eyes would skim through the pages, anxious to see what happens next. but that's what is so magical about a book. it lets the reader get lost in its world, allows the imagination to run rampant, and becomes an escape.

...which leads to the point of this entry :) 

this book is my latest obsession, and must-read. i was a bit skeptical at first, mostly because the person who referred me to it was my sister. and honestly, i didn't think my sister read. i was shocked to find out that she actually makes purchases at barnes & nobles...and actually spends money. on books!! i really hadn't the slightest clue! but anyhow, i relented, and i'm super glad i did.

i have to admit, i'm not a sucker for biographies, historical novels, nonfiction (well...maybe minus books like The Devil in the White City. that was pretty frickin amazing). most other books, i'll give it a try. i love love LOVE easy reads, pleasurable "beach reads." and this book qualifies as one of these.

meyer does a wonderful job of creating suspense, and making the reader feel all the emotions of the characters, bella, the main character, and edward, her love. ridiculous as it may sound, my heart actually hurts when i think of the two of them. and they're fictional characters!!

anyhow, i won't elaborate on the plot, i don't want to give it away. but it is simply amazinggggg. i'm on book two now, and i couldn't put it down...even when the boyfriend called :p

alright. enough raving. i must get back to the book now :)

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