Thursday, March 20, 2008


i'm officially a u.s. citizen now.
but i'm going to refrain from all the fanfare and cheering.
honestly speaking...i feel so indifferent to it.
i returned from the swearing in ceremony about an hour ago. truth be told, i almost dozed off during that time.
still, i did some looking around, and man. everyone else seemed so thrilled and happy about it.
and it honestly was a big deal for some. a "special moment" was what the guy called it.
and i sat there, arms crossed, probably looking pissed off, and feeling a bit jaded.
is it really that great to be called a u.s. citizen? everyone else was waving their little flags around proudly. me? i stuffed it into my purse and didn't think twice about it.
also, everyone receives a certificate and a letter from the president. ha. isn't it lovely?
so what have i garnered from this experience?
how indifferent i am. or maybe it just means that i don't like president bush THAT much.

1 comment:

jimmy said...

it doesn't mean that youre indifferent, its just that you realize that life doesn't really change after citizenship. oh wells... turn the hatin on HIIIGH