Wednesday, April 23, 2008


i'm tired. yeah, physically tired also, mostly because i woke up at 5 and lay in bed for 20 minutes wondering if i should get up. i did eventually, but i was still too late to make it to the news show, so i'm sitting in the library wasting time. the drive home is too long.

but i'm more tired emotionally and mentally. school's (is that spelled correctly? why does that look funny outta nowhere?) over in about 2 weeks, and i really don't care anymore. i feel like this is a period in my life where i just want to hit fast forward until the next chapter of my life. seriously, this has been dragging on for way, way too long. i'm ready to be done with school, ready to graduate, and ready to move on. i'm sick of slacking.

i'm also tired spiritually. it's been the longest roller coaster ride ever, and lately i've been questioning everything about my faith. sure, i've tricked myself into thinking that everything is ok, that i'm ok with God, and my faith is strong enough. but what if it's not? it's getting harder and harder to convince myself that God's there, to let everything go and put it into His hands. i dunno why. maybe i'm getting greedy and selfish and liking everything i have, although that doesn't sound right to me. maybe i've become too reliant on myself to make everything happen, i don't know. i went to a retreat this past weekend, and come back with too many thoughts. the one that keeps bothering me is letting go, to surrender things to him. why does this scare me to death, and leave me feeling anxious and freaked out?

i hate uncertainty, i hate when things don't work out the way i want them to. so maybe that's why everything is happening in this way, so i can learn more about patience and coping when things don't seem so stable. i'm so frustrated lately. i just want to curl up in a corner of my room and bawl until my head feels like it'll explode. and this time, i'm sure it's not PMS.

maybe it'll be better within the next two weeks. i think if i can make it past then, i'll be ok. but i know for sure, it's gonna feel like hell until it passes. so good luck to myself until then.

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