Saturday, September 27, 2008

after the storm comes the rainbow...right?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


an incredibly good book is hard to beat out. i've always enjoyed reading, getting into a story. perhaps this is a reason i've aspired to be an author...when i was younger :)

it's hard to get the same effect in a movie, regardless of how accurate it is and how hard the producers try. why? because a book's biggest allure is in using your imagination to create the images you read from the pages. and who doesn't like letting her imagination run wild?

i tend to be a bit, uhh, "nerdy" when it comes to books. and sometimes, i get a little too obsessed with them. take harry potter, for example. i became one with that book. i felt all the emotions the characters felt, my heart pounded as my eyes would skim through the pages, anxious to see what happens next. but that's what is so magical about a book. it lets the reader get lost in its world, allows the imagination to run rampant, and becomes an escape.

...which leads to the point of this entry :) 

this book is my latest obsession, and must-read. i was a bit skeptical at first, mostly because the person who referred me to it was my sister. and honestly, i didn't think my sister read. i was shocked to find out that she actually makes purchases at barnes & nobles...and actually spends money. on books!! i really hadn't the slightest clue! but anyhow, i relented, and i'm super glad i did.

i have to admit, i'm not a sucker for biographies, historical novels, nonfiction (well...maybe minus books like The Devil in the White City. that was pretty frickin amazing). most other books, i'll give it a try. i love love LOVE easy reads, pleasurable "beach reads." and this book qualifies as one of these.

meyer does a wonderful job of creating suspense, and making the reader feel all the emotions of the characters, bella, the main character, and edward, her love. ridiculous as it may sound, my heart actually hurts when i think of the two of them. and they're fictional characters!!

anyhow, i won't elaborate on the plot, i don't want to give it away. but it is simply amazinggggg. i'm on book two now, and i couldn't put it down...even when the boyfriend called :p

alright. enough raving. i must get back to the book now :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

i miss london :(

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


i'm tired. yeah, physically tired also, mostly because i woke up at 5 and lay in bed for 20 minutes wondering if i should get up. i did eventually, but i was still too late to make it to the news show, so i'm sitting in the library wasting time. the drive home is too long.

but i'm more tired emotionally and mentally. school's (is that spelled correctly? why does that look funny outta nowhere?) over in about 2 weeks, and i really don't care anymore. i feel like this is a period in my life where i just want to hit fast forward until the next chapter of my life. seriously, this has been dragging on for way, way too long. i'm ready to be done with school, ready to graduate, and ready to move on. i'm sick of slacking.

i'm also tired spiritually. it's been the longest roller coaster ride ever, and lately i've been questioning everything about my faith. sure, i've tricked myself into thinking that everything is ok, that i'm ok with God, and my faith is strong enough. but what if it's not? it's getting harder and harder to convince myself that God's there, to let everything go and put it into His hands. i dunno why. maybe i'm getting greedy and selfish and liking everything i have, although that doesn't sound right to me. maybe i've become too reliant on myself to make everything happen, i don't know. i went to a retreat this past weekend, and come back with too many thoughts. the one that keeps bothering me is letting go, to surrender things to him. why does this scare me to death, and leave me feeling anxious and freaked out?

i hate uncertainty, i hate when things don't work out the way i want them to. so maybe that's why everything is happening in this way, so i can learn more about patience and coping when things don't seem so stable. i'm so frustrated lately. i just want to curl up in a corner of my room and bawl until my head feels like it'll explode. and this time, i'm sure it's not PMS.

maybe it'll be better within the next two weeks. i think if i can make it past then, i'll be ok. but i know for sure, it's gonna feel like hell until it passes. so good luck to myself until then.

Monday, April 14, 2008


ok. so i had some unique experiences today, so i thought i'd share.

jackie and i got bored, and we both didn't have class, so we decided to walk to burger house to get shakes. on the way there, i saw a supercuts, and as we were passing by, got this sudden, irresistable urge to get a haircut. so acting on impulse, we walk in and set up appointments for trims. yay. we then proceed to burger house to pick up awesome shakes, and jackie gets amazing cheese fries...must go back for some of those when i'm hungry.

we make it back to supercuts, and i'm first so i sit in my chair. the hairstylist asks me to take off my glasses, so i'm pretty much blind as she works on my hair. after she's done, she says, "like it?" so i put on my glasses...and hate it. it's not terrible, it was simply a relayering job. but it looks so...drab. i guess i really miss jesse's haircuts :\ i may have to find someone to touch it up for me. so lesson number 1: don't do impulsive haircuts from someone you don't know. switching hairstylists is like sleeping with another just freaks you out and doesn't work.

i'm also sick. which means i was pretty drugged up earlier today. it's actually a weird, good feeling...i felt detached from my body, and kinda like i was travelling above it. i still feel that way, and the drugs have worn off. :) my investigative reporting class, i get my second draft back, and i look at the last page with my professor's comments...and i swear, my heart dropped to the ground. i had accidentally sent him the wrong draft, so he got the unfinished, rambling, full of thoughts and fragments one. so after class, i went up and told him so, and he replied with a "well, fucking thank goodness." then went on to say that school's need punishment for this reason, pounding his podium for emphasis. we ended the conversation with him asking me if i take a lot of drugs. and since i did today, i replied with a "sure do!"

this is really long. and my head's swirling again...and i'm not even drugged up. i hope this sickness thing goes away soon, it's really not much fun.

Monday, April 7, 2008


i am in serious, serious purse lust. SERIOUS. i don't know what it is about this one, but i think it's frickin adorable. haha. it's nothing special but i fell in love the second i saw it. it IS time to buy a new one... :p

ok. it is freezing in the library where i am, and i think it's thundering and raining outside. not the best combination of weather in the world, but i guess i'll live.

know what? PMS really is a bitch. it's a bitch when you're going through it, and it's ESPECIALLY a bitch when it's your mom that's PMSing. even more so when she's sick too. gross.

makes me wonder...what would it be like if guys were the ones who had to go through the monthly cycle and had to endure PMS. i know that some guys do already, but no, really. would they be labeled as emotional, mood-swingy, bitchy, bothersome?

it'd be a funny concept, i think. hahahaha, really funny actually. i read an article in my women's studies book about what the world would be like if men were the ones with periods. it's kinda absurd and out there, but the author said it would become a "bragging right" and that guys would use it as another means of competition. that much seems true. and they'd "glorify" it and say it's special and manly because you're MENstruating. HA. kinda ridiculous, no?

i want to switch lives with a guy for one day. yeah, just one day. i think it'd be kinda interesting.

i hate rain. i hate thunder. this post is so everywhere.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

happily ever after...

i just finished watching "enchanted." and MAN.

in one aspect, it was a terrible, jumbled mess of a bunch of fairy tales jammed into one movie. on the other hand, i absolutely loved it.

it was every bit as cheesy and ridiculous as i had hoped, and just as predictable. i pretty much knew what was going to happen...before it happened. usual.

but now i feel kinda like crap. isn't it great?

i love fuzzy, cheesy, romantic comedies. they leave you happy and makes you feel like you're floating on air. sorta. and i felt like that for all of 5 seconds before i crashed back into reality and got a really big headache.

it's really depressing that there may not be a "happily ever after" ending, or that reality sucks so much. and there's nothing you can really do about it. so now i'm left in this funk, wishing i could sing away my worries like amy adams did as a princess. but it's not possible, so i'm just gonna suck it up, put a fake smile on my face, and pretend that everything's ok.

being in a funk really sucks. i'm not even sure why it's happening, or why it comes so suddenly and frequently. or even why i'm switching the subject to this after talking about "enchanted." but it happens every so often, and i get so blah i just wanna sleep. and sleep some more. or reach into my insides and claw out this blah-ness. i'm not even sure it's something i can really fix.

right now, this funk leaves me feeling like there's a gaping hole in my stomach. it just feels...empty. and i'm not sure why. it sure isn't fun. isn't watching a happy fairy tale supposed to leave you feeling better than this?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

slacking off

so i've taken slacking and procrastinating to a whole new level for myself.

i had a test this morning, and i spent all of last night sleeping. yeah, sleeping. not cramming, not studying, not reading, ZIP. i planned on doing all of the above, but after coming home and eating, my body just could not resist passing out. i initially wanted to take a small power nap so i could be refreshed, revived.

i woke up at 7 this morning. granted, i was refreshed, and i'm surprisingly awake right now, but i also hadn't studied. but for some weird reason, i wasn't panicking. odd, huh? instead, i got out of bed, walked to the computer, and quickly crammed everything in about 45 minutes before i went to take a shower. amazing.

the test was actually not that bad either, but this usually means i failed miserably. still, i only left part of my short answer question blank, just the last part of the 3 points i was supposed to make. so i think it's not too bad.

sadly, because of this, i will once again not learn to start studying early, and continue to practice procrastination. especially if my grade turns out ok for this exam.

on a brighter note, it's april fool's day. i racked my brain all morning to think of pranks i could pull on anybody. through all of that, i've realized i'm not much of a pranker. tis a pity, because i think i'm pretty good at lying...not that it's anything to brag about, heh.

i am much too cheery and awake for this hour, it's kinda freaking me out. so i'm going to stop.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

facebook is the devil

it really is. especially when you're trying to study. i think i'm completely addicted to it, sadly enough.

it's pretty bad when you click the "home" link maybe 10 times in a row, hoping that something will change. but usually, it's always the same. not much happens in the span of 30 seconds.

my head is killing me. organizational psychology blows. i really don't care about the expectancy theory and approaches to motivation. because obviously, i don't have any of that.

something that's really bothering me about this semester is that so many of my classes involve business-y things. now, i'm not a big fan of such, and i've been avoiding taking business classes and put my foot down and refused to major in business. but now, i'm in a business journalism class (sadly, photojournalism filled up pretty quickly. what a bummer.) and i'm sitting here reading my damn organizational psych book, "learning" about how groups work together, and different things managers should do to make a better, happier working atmosphere.

gawd. i hate reading. there really was no point to this post, except to vent, clear my head, and take a break that didn't involve facebook. ha.

Friday, March 28, 2008

fashion at the park

ok, so s'been awhile. i actually think i'm kinda hung over right now. it's a loverly feeling. plus, i just found out that my one class today was canceled. and i had no idea because i skipped last class. i really should look over my syllabus more often.

anyhow, yes, i was able to go to fashion at the park yesterday, and watched two shows. oscar de la renta, and the diesel show. and let me tell ya. it was AMAZING. well, the de la renta show was a lot better than the diesel one, and i really, really, really want one of his dresses now. although i couldn't afford it for my life and i would have nowhere to wear it :)

the diesel show was pretty good. i'm not gonna lie...i thoroughly enjoyed it because there were male models strutting their stuff in their briefs. now add a nice buzz from drinking 3 glasses of champagne, and voila. it's an instant party. i took some video on my camera, so hopefully i can upload it and share with others, although it may make you a bit nauseous; it's probably on par with the blair witch project.

a surprising thing i knew but learned for real yesterday? models too have cellulite. lots of it. kinda surprising, actually, and i felt pretty badly for the girls. i mean, it must be hard to walk the runway half naked, with all these people watching you, and all you can think about is, i hope i don't trip, and i hope my cellulite isn't that bad. or maybe i'm just assuming that's what they think.

and seeing models in real life, they really are ridiculously tiny. and long. and tall. i'm glad not everybody looks like that. because they're freaks of nature...albeit really, really hot freaks of nature. ok. i'm going to stop now because i'm getting a headache. peace out.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


i'm officially a u.s. citizen now.
but i'm going to refrain from all the fanfare and cheering.
honestly speaking...i feel so indifferent to it.
i returned from the swearing in ceremony about an hour ago. truth be told, i almost dozed off during that time.
still, i did some looking around, and man. everyone else seemed so thrilled and happy about it.
and it honestly was a big deal for some. a "special moment" was what the guy called it.
and i sat there, arms crossed, probably looking pissed off, and feeling a bit jaded.
is it really that great to be called a u.s. citizen? everyone else was waving their little flags around proudly. me? i stuffed it into my purse and didn't think twice about it.
also, everyone receives a certificate and a letter from the president. ha. isn't it lovely?
so what have i garnered from this experience?
how indifferent i am. or maybe it just means that i don't like president bush THAT much.